Clonmel Library News


Around Our Town Ep. 20 – William Tinsley – Clonmel’s Architect William Tinsley was born at Mary Street in Clonmel in 1804. His father, Thomas, had a building business in the town as had several generations of Tinsleys’ before him. Indeed a construction company baring the family name (Tinsley Construction Ltd) operates in Clonmel today....
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Around Our Town Ep. 19 – Tikincor Castle & Sir Thomas’ Bridge The townland of Tikincor Lower lies some two miles east of Clonmel just inside county Waterford. The Irish form of the place-name, Tigh Chinn Chora Íochtarach (translates to house at the head of the weir lower), tells us more about the landscape (
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Around Our Town Ep.18 – The Main Guard The Main Guard situated on Sarsfield Street is one of Clonmel’s most recognisable landmarks. It was built at the behest of James Butler the 1st Duke of Ormonde in 1674 to provide the town with a courthouse. The previous building which had served as a courthouse had...
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Around Our Town Ep. 17 – Marlfield Lake Marfield Lake was once the private retreat of the Bagwell family. It was also at the heart of a thriving milling industry and later a distillery. In this episode David tells us how the lake was dug out by hand and today is wild bird sanctuary. Around...
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Around Our Town Ep. 16 – Saint Patrick’s Inishlonaght, Marlfield Church Saint Patrick’s Church close to Marlfield village was once the site of the Cistercian Abbey of Inishlonaght. Today David explains a little of the background of the present church and points out some interesting features. Around Our Town is a local history project undertaken...
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Around Our Town Ep. 15 – Saint Patrick’s Well Part 3 Theresa Dungan visits Saint Patrick’s Well outside Clonmel almost every day. Here Theresa tells why its important to her and some of the traditions associated with the well. Around Our Town is a local history project undertaken by Clonmel Library that takes a closer...
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Around Our Town Ep. 14 – Saint Patrick’s Well Part 2 In today’s episode David tells us about the church at Saint Patrick’s Well and the generous donations which facilitated the refurbishment of the site. Around Our Town is a local history project undertaken by Clonmel Library that takes a closer look at some of...
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Around Our Town Ep. 13 – Saint Patrick’s Well Part 1 Saint Patrick’s Well is one of the some beautiful and serene places around our town. Today local man David tells us about the history of the site from pre-christian times to the coming of Saint Patrick. Around Our Town is a local history project...
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Around Our Town Ep. 12 – George Victor Du Noyer and Leacht na Francaí The first ordnance survey of Ireland was completed in 1846. Today Shay explains and interesting connection between one of the surveyors, George Du Noyer, and a hill above Clonmel. Around Our Town is a project being undertaken by Clonmel Library and...
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Around Our Town Ep. 11 – Lt. Fredrick Close & Anna Grubb Clonmel’s Romeo & Juliet In 1826 Lt. Fredrick Close of the 86th foot fell in love with a local girl, Anna Grubb, daughter of a well-to-do quaker merchant. The affair was frowned upon by the girls family. On the evening of 26th February...
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