

Wellness with Sarah Covey

Clonmel Library

Introduction to mindfulness meditation including breathing techniques and deep relaxation exercise. How to calm a busy and over thinking mind through practical exercises and working with the breath. Life coping […]


Random Artists Tipperary South(R.A.T.S) Exhibition

Clonmel Library

R.A.T.S or Random Artists Tipperary South is a recently made group, open to Artists from Clonmel and the surrounding areas. It was founded by Eoin De Leaster and David Anchell in […]


Clonmel Library Breastfeeding Support Group

Clonmel Library

This support group, facilitated by a Public Healthy Nurse/Lactation Consultant, provides an opportunity to meet with other breastfeeding mothers and babies for breastfeeding support and to chat about any issues […]


Wellness with Sarah Covey

Clonmel Library

Introduction to mindfulness meditation including breathing techniques and deep relaxation exercise. How to calm a busy and over thinking mind through practical exercises and working with the breath. Life coping […]


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