

Clonmel Library Breastfeeding Support Group

Clonmel Library

On the Second and Fourth Thursday of each month from 11am to 12:30pm. An opportunity to meet with other breastfeeding mothers and babies for a chat and breastfeeding support. Public Health Nurse/ Lactation Consultant led group. For more information, contact your PHN.


Thurles Library Barnardos Family Wellbeing Workshops

Thurles Library is delighted, once again, to host FREE family wellbeing workshops as part of Barnardos National Wellbeing Project. There are 3 workshops dated Thursday July 11th, July 18th & July 25th from 2.30pm-4pm. Please scan the QR code to register or contact Colette on 086-1036151.


Mobility Monday, Tipperary Town Library.

Tipperary Town

Use it or lose it is never truer with our bodies ability to move well, this routine is designed to highlight mobility and strengthening exercises for each joint complex from the head to the toes, with exercise modifications and progressions for all abilities, in order to maintain and assist in increasing mobility and strength as […]


Templemore Library Craft Group

Templemore Library Craft Circle meet on Tuesdays to work on their latest craft project. If you would like to come along with a project of your own and have a chat and a cuppa we always welcome new participants. Contact 0504 32555 for more information.

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