

Chess Club

Chess Club in Roscrea Library every Friday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.

Performance storytelling workshop with Niall De Burca

Clonmel Library

A workshop for anyone interested in drama, theatre and storytelling. Hugely popular with audiences of all ages, Niall has shared the Irish storytelling tradition on six continents. "An Unforgettable experience" Funded by the Tipperary Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).


Claire Kilroy in conversation with Jackie Lynam

STAC Chapel Kickham St, Burgagery-Lands West, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Clonmel, Tipperary, Ireland

01<99110575Claire Kilroy is the writer of five novels. She will chat to Jackie Lynam, Dublin city librarian and author about her latest title "Soldier, Sailor". An honest portrayal of motherhood by a superb writer.


Mobility Monday, Tipperary Town Library.

Tipperary Town

Use it or lose it is never truer with our bodies ability to move well, this routine is designed to highlight mobility and strengthening exercises for each joint complex from the head to the toes, with exercise modifications and progressions for all abilities, in order to maintain and assist in increasing mobility and strength as […]


Nenagh Library Crafting Club

Nenagh Library

Hey there! We wanted to let you know that the Nenagh Library Crafting Club will be starting back up on January 8th, 2024. We would love for you to join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 11am to 1.00pm. We'll have a variety of activities ranging from knitting to sewing, […]


Lego Free Play

Lego free play in Roscrea Library every Tuesday in July and August from 3.00 to 4.00. No need to book just drop in. Contact (0505) 22032 Email  


Thurles Library Quiet Time

Thurles Library is introducing quiet time on Tuesday evenings from 6pm-7pm in our children's library. During that time , we will create a calm and quiet environment. Sensory toys, Sensory books and Ear Defenders will be available. Our Sensory tent will be up with a relaxing beanbag and soothing lamp within. Lighting in the children's […]

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