

Thurles Library Craft Group

Thurles Library

Thurles Library Adult Craft Group continues every Monday morning from 10.30am-12.30pm. Bring along whatever craft you enjoy, meet like-minded people, share ideas and have a chat over a nice cuppa! […]

Cashel Juvenile Book Club

Cashel Library

The juvenile book club will resume in Cashel library on Tuesday 21st January at 6.30pm New member are welcome Contact 062-63825


Cashel Craft Circle

Cashel Library

Join the Cashel Craft Circle every Wednesday from 10am-12pm for their social gathering. Bring along your own project to work, share ideas, patterns and enjoy a chat and cuppa with […]


Irish Heart Foundation Mobile Heart Unit

Clonmel Library

What to Expect: FREE Blood Pressure and Pulse Checks During a heart health check our expert nurses will your blood pressure and pulse, provide information advice to help reduce risk […]


Tea, Chat and a Sing-Song

Killenaule library Slieveardagh Cultural and Enterprise Centre, River Street, Killenaule, Tipperary, Ireland

The "Tea, Chat and a Sing-Song" in Killenaule library is a relaxed event where a group of individuals get together and have tea (or coffee), a chat and a sing-song! […]


Storytime in Nenagh Library

Nenagh Library

Storytime at Nenagh Library: The Adventure Goes On…Join us every Thursday at 11:15 AM for our delightful weekly Storytime! #LibrariesIreland #nenaghlibrary #nenagh#RightToRead

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