Right to Read is a national programme to promote literacy and reading development for people of all ages and backgrounds. Launched as part of the Opportunities for All: the public library as a catalyst for economic, social and cultural development 2013-2017 libraries strategy, it currently includes four national programmes designed to promote children’s reading and literacy.
In addition to these programmes we also provide reading development resources and facilities including:
“Spring into Storytime” runs for the month of April every year. Public Libraries throughout the country provide children’s storytime sessions and invite children, their parents, carers and other family members to join in and experience the joy of exciting tales. Spring into Storytime is completely free.
See our Spring into Storytime eventsThe “Summer Stars Reading Adventure” takes place each summer in all public libraries and is free to all children across the country. Children are encouraged to enjoy reading books as part of the adventure and take part in fun activities! All children who participate are given a Summer Stars Reading Card to record and track their progress. There are special rewards and incentives along the way and a certificate of achievement and/or medal for everyone who takes part.
See our Summer Stars eventsThe “Children’s Book Festival” is an annual celebration of books and reading for children. Throughout the month of October, events take place in public libraries all around the country, giving children the opportunity to take part in fun activities as well as providing the chance to meet with authors, illustrators and storytellers. Exciting events for schools and families – from author visits and story workshops to entertaining performances – also take place during the festival!
See our Children’s book festival events“Family Time at Your Library” provides free events and activities for families in every library during the month of December. The whole family are encouraged to visit the library and join in the fun events and share stories. Families can also access the large collections of children’s books, eBooks and eAudiobooks.
See our Family time at your library eventsIn recognition of the implementation of the core programme of Right to Read literacy support services in 2020, Tipperary County Council Library Service has been awarded the Right to Read Award 2020 by the Department of Rural and Community Development.
This is in recognition of the standard at which the library service provides literacy and reading supports to families, children, schools and pre-schools in Co. Tipperary through our 12 libraries, the Schools Department and the School Mobile.
2020 was a year like no other, and brought unique challenges as we adjusted to the impact of Covid-19 restrictions on library activities. However, library service staff were quick to adapt to online delivery, including learning how to film and edit videos, and Zooming into classrooms around the county. We overcame the challenges and successfully ran activities under the Right to Read programme, which includes Spring into Storytime, Summer Stars, Children’s Book Festival and Family Time at Your Library.
Cllr Marie Murphy, Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, congratulated the Library Service on receipt of the award and said “throughout the pandemic, the Library Service has continued to promote a culture of reading, and has responded to the needs of children, families and schools in Co. Tipperary.”
In 2021, we will continue to grow our events programme, incorporating online and in-person events when possible. So, watch out for great, free events and programmes to help your family enjoy reading and learning!