The Borrowbox app and website connects you with newspapers from around the globe via their new ePress service. Featuring a dynamic user interface that allows you to browse through publications displayed in their printed format, ePress is the ideal way to enjoy news titles from around the world on your phone, tablet or laptop.
With publications such as The Irish Independent, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Sydney Morning Herald, Belfast Telegraph, The Irish Daily Mail, The Daily Star, New Delhi Times, Der Spiegel and China Daily as well as local papers such as The Nenagh Guardian, The Corkman, Offaly Independent, Wexford People and many, many more to choose from, Borrowbox ePress is your direct portal to world events and current affairs.
Borrowbox – ePress
The app is available to download for Android, Apple and Kindle Fire devices (not available for the standard Kindle). All you need is your library number and PIN.
How to use Borrowbox for ePress
Download the Borrowbox app.
Then you just:
– choose your library from the dropdown menu;
– enter your library number where it asks for your ID/Barcode; and,
– enter your PIN where it asks for PIN/Password.
That’s it, you’re signed in and ready to browse and read!
Instructions on how to download Borrowbox to your Kindle Fire or Amazon Fire can be found here:
Having trouble getting access? You can also download the Libraries Ireland Borrowbox PDF guide.
Just download the app or visit the website, click on ‘Sign In’ and then click the ‘Library or Group’ button and enter your library card number. It really is that simple!
Check out below for a “How to” video as well as an FAQ section.
There are two ways to access the service:
The BorrowBox App. There is an app for Android, Apple and Kindle Fire devices – just look for ‘BorrowBox’ in your app store to download or follow the links below to download directly.
The BorrowBox Website. Downloading the app gives the best user experience but if you only have access to a PC you can still use Borrowbox. Click here to visit the Tipperary BorrowBox website. Sign in using your Library barcode and PIN. Once signed in find a title you want to read/listen to. Now click the ‘Borrow’ button.
If it is an e-book you will be asked to confirm the loan then given the option to “Read now”. Click this and you can either “Read Online”, which will automatically take you to an e-reader where you can start reading the title immediately, or, alternatively you can download it as Adobe ePub.
If it is an e-audiobook you will be given the option to “Listen now”. Click this and you can either “Download complete eAudiobook” or, if you prefer, you can download it in parts. Just follow the 3 steps to start listening.
If it is an e-press title you will be offered the option of previewing the title or borrowing it. If you press ‘Borrow’ you will be offered 2 options – (i) to confirm loan + subscribe (if you want to keep receiving the latest editions of the title); (ii) Borrow issue only (if you only want to read the current edition). After that you will be offered the option to ‘Keep Browsing’ (if you want to borrow numerous titles before reading) or ‘Read Now’ if you want to read the title straight away.
When you first use the service, you have to register for an account; after this all you need is your library card number and PIN to log in.
There are two ways to register for an account;
If you choose cancel you will not be able to use the service.
Enter your email address, display name and newsletter options and then tap Done. You now have a BorrowBox account and can use the app to search, borrow and download audiobooks and e-books.
Go to Tipperary County Council – BorrowBox. Click the Sign In button and sign in with your library card number (barcode) and PIN. Read and agree to the Terms and Conditions. Enter your email address, display name and newsletter options. Click Submit. Now you are ready to get browsing.
Yes, new titles are regularly added to ePress. For example the Irish Independent, Sunday Independent, Ireland’s Own and a host of local papers were recently added to the catalogue.
You can borrow and download up to 100 titles on ePress. You can also subscribe to a title and have it delivered instantly to your Loans daily/weekly/monthly depending on the title’s schedule of release.
To see your loans, how long they have left before they expire, etc. click on ‘My Loans’.