Age Friendly Services

An Age Friendly Library is a library that understands and responds to the needs of people of all ages and makes a special effort to identify and attend to the specific needs of older adults.

We aim to be an Age Friendly Library Service and have assigned an Age Friendly champion in each of our libraries to achieve this. We are committed to working with Age Friendly Ireland and Age Friendly Tipperary towards making and keeping our library buildings, services and programming age friendly.

Age Friendly Tipperary aims to be more inclusive of older people by addressing their expressed concerns and interests under the eight pillars of the World Health Organization’s global age friendly programme.

The programme has a strong focus on creating walkable, attractive and accessible communities and age-friendly spaces. By introducing actions to address participation and inequality it is intended that people of all ages will be supported to enjoy healthier, more active and connected lives.

Information Guide to Services for older People in County Tipperary

This guide contains information in relation to entitlements, health, housing, transport, safety and security, social and leisure activities, support groups and organisations for older people within County Tipperary. The publication is available through your local Citizens Information Centre or it can be downloaded here.

Download the Guide

Clubs, Groups and Events

From book clubs and chess clubs through to craft circles and yoga classes there is a huge number of clubs and groups that meet in our libraries every week. We also frequently host author talks and historical lectures. Check out our Events Calendar to see what’s happening in your local library branch.


Bealtaine is Ireland’s national festival which celebrates the arts and creativity as we age. The festival is run by Age & Opportunity, the leading national development organisation working to enable the best possible quality of life for us all as we age. In partnership with the Tipperary County Council Arts Office, Tipperary libraries host a large number of events every year. Bealtaine takes place each May for the entire month. The Festival brings together people from all over Ireland to foster and inspire creativity among older people and to promote the skills, experiences and exposure that can lead to a rich creative life for all older people.

Assistive Technologies

All of our branches have ACORN Age-Friendly Smart tablets and C-Pen Readerpens available to borrow. 

The ACORN tablets are perfect for anyone who has no experience using tablets and wants to learn. Their design is based around easy navigation and accessibility. Uncluttered screens, large text and zoom functionality make it clear and simple to use. There is also an App that friends and family can download to interact with the ACORN user.

C-Pen Readerpens are convenient portable tools to support independent reading and literacy. Simply scan the text of a book with this state-of-the-art device to have words read aloud in natural speaking voices. You can adjust the settings to increase or decrease the speed at which text is read out. There is also a built-in dictionary for defining unfamiliar words. The pen can be set up for both right-hand and left-hand use.

The Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, Cllr Roger Kennedy, recently launched the new ACORN tablet lending service in Cashel library with Branch manager Suzanne Brosnan.
The Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, Cllr Roger Kennedy, recently launched the new ACORN tablet lending service in Cashel library with Branch manager Suzanne Brosnan.
Oisín and Conor from Enable Ireland Nenagh who enjoyed using the Magic Table in Nenagh Library.
Oisín and Conor from Enable Ireland Nenagh who enjoyed using the Magic Table in Nenagh Library.
Jackie, Joan & Mary from Anusha Day Service enjoying our Magic Table in Thurles Library
Jackie, Joan & Mary from Anusha Day Service enjoying our Magic Table in Thurles Library

Age Friendly Events


Cashel Craft Circle

10:00 am - 12:00 pmCashel Library

Cashel Craft Circle

10:00 am - 12:00 pmCashel Library

Cashel Craft Circle

10:00 am - 12:00 pmCashel Library

Back In My Day

Tipperary Age Friendly Older Peoples Council have developed a project to capture stories and tales of the past, listening to the voices of older people across County Tipperary.

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